Saturday, December 7, 2013


My definition of support is knowing that someone is there to have your back through thick and thin, rain or shine, good days or bad days. My 12 year old daughter Jada, gives me emotional support and physical support. She helps me to finish tasks. In fact she will help me with the Powerpoint I have to do this week. I haven't made one since my Capstone class exactly a year ago. My eldest daughter is 33, she gives me emotional support by providing for her younger sister when I may be out or working late. We share a house, 2 cars, travelling, etc. My boyfriend gives me emotional support also. Even though I only had one instance where I may have needed him to support me, he was right by my side ready, willing and able. I have numerous friends that I could ask for assistance of if need be. The benefits of emotional support are a sense of self assurance and confidence. I feel as if I can handle 99% of anything that may be thrown at me but 1% of me if I weren't able to handle the situation, I would get the support needed. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Existing without support can be done but it would be dismal. Boyfriend's come and go but my existence would change tremendously without my daughter's support. I wouldn't have as much freedom as I do to have me time or work overtime. A challenge would be if I broke a limb. I would need assistance driving, grocery shopping, going to the bathroom, getting to work, etc. I would need someone to help me do all activities of daily living=cooking, cleaning, washing, etc. I wouldn't be able to drive my youngest daughter the numerous places she has to go. My eldest daughter would assist as much as possible but I'm not too used to depending on anyone to do anything for me. I would most likely feel guilty and not place any unnecessary burdens on her.

Saturday, November 23, 2013


In my youth which was in the 1960's and 70's, we had loads of fun and free play. Parents would let the kids play all day. This was an era before beepers and cellphones. In the summertime, children would start coming out to play about 10 a.m. We would play a variety of games like punchball, tag, doubledutch, dolls and read books together. We played until lunch time. We ate and then we came right back outside, scared that if we stayed in too long we would miss something. We played all day long and only went inside to use the bathroom or if we were hungry. We were able to play outside until the streetlights came on. None of us ever got molested or kidnapped. We had a wholesome childhood.
Play today is so different. Parents are scared of some unforeseen horrible attack on their child. children are scared to play outside due to overexposure of the crazies in the media. My grandson is so out of touch with the outdoors that he is scared of flies and mosquitoes, We didn't even notice bugs when we played. My hope for this younger generation is that they and their parent overcome their fears and allow children to be children again. Allow them to experience new discoveries, new friends and have fun while doing so. I loved play so much that I still play to this day. My boyfriend works in the same 20 story building that I do. Just yesterday I called him midday and asked him if "he could come out and play with me?". I will always be a child at heart and this is why I enjoy being around children. Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity. Kay Redfield Jamison Contemporary American professor of psychiatry You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. Plato

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Relationships are very important to me. I have many relationships: acquaintances, associates, co-workers, friends, daughters, grandmother, and girlfriend. Astrologically, I am a Libran. Libras like to be in partnerships. We work better that way. It's nice to have someone you can depend on in your corner. I also like balance. It takes two people to have balance. I am in a very nice relationship with my boyfriend. We share laughs, honesty and intimacy. I had my first daughter at the age of 20. We grew up together and are still very close. My best friend growing up was my mother. I was the youngest of 3 girls. I was spoiled rotten and I still am. When I lost my mom in 2005, life changed forever for me. Holidays are now just another day. The special feeling is gone. Mother's Day is especially depressing. I did decide this year to start celebrating her life each year on her birthday. On March 2nd, this year I bought a 2nd car and joined a gym. The other two loves of my life are my 6 year old grandson and my 12 year old daughter. I have many associates from work, Girl Scouts, my kids friend's parents etc. I can count true friends on two hands. My relationship with my boyfriend is positive because when we are together, we are in our own little isolated bubble. My relationship with my immediate family is constant, unconditional love. Love different from my mom's love but love still the same. Challenges to developing and maintaining relationships are both person's having the ability to communicate honestly. Also important is the ability to listen. Listening is an art. Many choose not too listen, but I have learned that listening is just as important as speaking. My eldest daughter and I have a partnership in keeping our children healthy, with a roof over their heads and well fed. My boyfriend and I have a partnership in the ability to share dreams and goals with each other. We also share intimacy that only involves the two of us. In the world of early childhood professionals, you have to be able to communicate, listen and reflect without any biases toward any children. I was very much involved in both daughter's education. Always at the school. Volunteering for trips. I always felt welcome. I would definitely think that it is essential for educators to succeed in making parents feel welcome in the school environment. As long as educators are open to doing the best educating for all of the children they may come across daily, the work that they do with each child.ld should be effective.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Saturday, October 12, 2013


Here in the United States, we use pictures or symbols for part of our assessment tests. In other countries these items may not be available or not even used by the children. There have been very few studies done in African countries detailing developing milestones. Recently researchers from the College of Medicine in Malawi have began using culturally correct developmental assessment tools to be used in rural Africa. The assessment tool involved a native game chipapapa and their ability to play the game. Also, nsima, a food eaten in Africa was used to see if the children were proficient in feeding themselves. The children tested were 0-6 years old. The test is called the Malawi Development Assessment Tool. The test identified children with no known disability as normal in development. Many of the rural African countries have little or none of the resources need so this test is commonly done as a research tool. Reference Wellcome Trust. (2010,August11). Refining the milestones:assessing child development in Africa. Retrieved from milestones-assessing-child-development-in-Africa/

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Environmental Air Pollution Stress on Children's Development

As a person that lives and grew up in New York City, I have been breathing unhealthy air all of my life. I presently live next to a major highway and next to a major airport, JFK. I have survived any illness related to respiratory diseases so far but I don't know what the future will bring. Many of the elders on my block died of cancer and the air pollution may have veen a contributing factor.Many countries are struggling with air pollution. East Asia tops the list claiming more than one million deaths from fine particulate matter. The air pollution has a direct impact on childhood asthma here in New York and in Asia. The smog can be so bad that children in Asia miss school. Birth defects and bronchitis can also occur. (Greenpeace,2013). One solution being used in NYC and Asia is the use of hybrid buses and city vehicles to reduce emissions. NYC is rated 16th among the top 25 American cities who experience air pollution. Another solution being provided in NYC is the planting of trees. MillionTrees NYC is an environmental program that reforests city streets, parks and homes. I participate in planting tree events every year with my kids. We have planted in areas that were burnt down previously or neglected. Trees reduce the amount of pollutants in the city air. More thatn 2 million people globally lose their lives each year due to reduced air quality.(Quigley, 2013). Besides the issue of respiratory diseases, children's cognitive health can also be affected because of air pollution. Researchers have done studies and proven that children exposed to high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH's) can significantly have lower scores on standardized tests. These lower cores can lead to increased stress in school.(Columbia University, 2013). Global solutions include using non toxic cleaning products, driving hybrid or battery operated cars, unplugging appliances when not in use and the increase of planting trees and houseplants. References Columbia University.(2013). Children's cognitive ability can be affected by mothers exposure to urban air pollutants. Retrieved from Greenpeace. (2013). The problems of air pollution. Retrieved from MillionTrees. (2013). About Million Trees NYC. Retrieved from Quigley, J.T. (2013,Jul18). Killer smog:East Asia, India, Southeast Asia top global air pollution. The Diplomat. Retrieved from

Friday, September 13, 2013


This topic is important to me because I was an overweight child. Here in America, we eat like gluttons. Large meals three times a day, whereas in other countries, children barely have anything to eat. Childhood obesity is a very hot topic right now in the United States. Our First Lady Michelle Obama is a staunch supporter of healthy diets. In a study done in 2008, "African American children are more than 50%likely to be overweight compared to white children". (Flock, 2013). For a child to be able to grow and learn, a healthy diet must be given. Proteins, nuts, grains, fruits and vegetables should be eaten daily.(Medline, 2013). Limitations of fast food, junk food, sodas, processed foods, fried foods and high fructose syrup should be avoided. In South African, 75% of South Africans have inadequate means of buying food. More than 1 in 5 children are physically stunted due to malnutrition. In a study done by Save The Children, chronically malnourished children are 20% less literate than others. (Food4Africa, 2013). Malnutrition is responsible for over 250,000 deaths per year in children younger than 5 years in developing countries. (Shahshidhar, 2013). Preventative measures to protect children agains malnutrition should begin by making sure the pregnant mother is given prenatal care and prenatal nutrition. References Flock, E. (2013, August5). Michelle Obama's newest initiative: using hip-hop to fight obesity. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved from Food4Africa. (2013). 7 facts of malnutrition and starvation. South Africa. Retrieved from Shahshidhar, H. (2013, Feb11). Malnutrition. Medscape. Retrieved from U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2013). Child nutrition. Medlineplus. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Personal Birthing Experience

My personal birthing experience begins with the fact that after 21 years of motherhood, I was pregnant again at age 40! I call it a cross of temporary insanity and mid life crisis. My pregnancy included having a hospitalization in my 5th month due to pneumonia, low amniotic fluid hospital admission at 8 months and the year 2001 had the hottest summer ever. My due date was 9/5/01. On August 9th of that year it was 103 degrees, I thought I was going to die. I couldn't breathe and on one of those last frequent doctor's appointments, I told him it was time for her to come out. Heexamined me and did a little trick and the next day I delivered her on 8/19. The nicest part of delivery was that as soon as the nurses found out I was a nurse I was put into a suite which was huge and beautifully decorated. When my daughter arrived she had the biggest eyes, looking all around the room. Usually babies eyes are closed or squinting from the light but she was alert and looking from the first second. She's 12 now and doesn't miss anything with her eyes. I advised her to get a job from the CIA or FBI. Did you know that your eyeballs are the same size from birth until death? The country I researched was Brazil. In that country's birthing process traditions include the expectant mother preparing a basket with souvenirs to give out to each person that comes to the hospital to visit with a note of thanks. It is sort of like party favors given out at American baby showers. Brazilian women also get there hair and make-up done professionally before giving birth. Women there also get a Brazilian wax prior to birth. The majority of women in America don't really get all gussied up prior to delivery. We seem to concentrate on the pain too much to look pretty. In America, visitors that come to the hospital, usually arrive bearing baby gifts. References

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Codes of Ethics

We shall be responsible for maintaining the appropriate clicense and credentials requirements needed for the services we provide while maintaining our competence in practice and research by ongoing participation in professional development and education activities. (DEC). This statement is important to me because in order for us to do our very best, we must be up to date on the current trends and practices that are being utilized. Our best effort will give the children the best outcome. We shall demonstrate respect for all families' beliefs, values, customs, languages, and cultures. (DEC). In this multicultural world, we have to respect each child regardless of race, creed or color. A child will feel any sort of dislike against them, which in turn will stunt their learning. In order to get respect, we have to give respect. It is important to develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve. (NAEYC). Trust is similar to respect, in that both of these qualities in relationships will benefit all involved: the educator, the child and the family.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


•National Association for the Education of Young Children •The Division for Early Childhood •Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families •WESTED •Harvard Education Letter •FPG Child Development Institute •Administration for Children and Families Headstart's National Research Conference •HighScope •Children's Defense Fund •Center for Child Care Workforce •Council for Exceptional Children •Institute for Women's Policy Research •National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education •National Child Care Association •National Institute for Early Education Research •Pre[K]Now •Voices for America's Children •The Erikson Institute •YC Young Children •Childhood •Journal of Child & Family Studies •Child Study Journal •Multicultural Education •Early Childhood Education Journal •Journal of Early Childhood Research •International Journal of Early Childhood •Early Childhood Research Quarterly •Developmental Psychology •Social Studies •Maternal & Child Health Journal •International Journal of Early Years Education Additional Resources I read an article about what calms a crying baby and what does not. It was an interesting research product done and the results were posted at the facility as a guide to help the caregivers soothe the babies.- Julie Joy. Early Childhood News. Retrieved from Education Week Public Broadcasting Service Education for Kids

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

“Individual character involves honoring and embracing certain core ethical values; honesty, respect, responsibility… Parents must teach their children from the earliest age the difference between right and wrong. But we must all do our part.”- Bill Clinton, September, 2012

"The sphere of education workers have a unique opportunity to shape a child's life for the better"- Sandy Escobido

"At a certain time in your life you should want to make a difference in others lives and give back any knowledge you can share to the future generation"- Louise Derman Sparks

“Curriculum is not delivered. Milk is delivered.” - Dr Lilian Katz

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Personal Childhood Web

My mother hated summer. She sweated alot. The heatwave we are experiencing right now in NYC would've made  her miserable. She would have to take 3 showers a day just to stay cool. I have so many memories of her with sweat dripping off her brow.

My mothers's favorite Bible quote, "and this too shall pass".  I think about this quote anytime I am going through a rough time in life. It actually allows me to relax.

Personal Childhood Web

My parents on their wedding day. My dad was shipped out to the Korean War the next day. The marriage lasted 32 years. Their love was unspoken. He returned from the war a different man, images of the war haunted him. He was a great provider, and so was she. She entered the job field when I was 6 years old, just to have extra money in her pocket and to contribute to the family. My dad paid all the bills. I remember him paying all his charge card bills at the dining room table, one by one. There were so many. He was also a great disciplinarian, which is why he did such a good job as a Corrections Captain. We didn't see him much due to his work schedule but he did provide us with shelter, food and clothing.  My mom was sweet as candy, always smiling, a great mom. I was her favorite. I was the youngest and was spoiled rotten. Still am!

My godmother "Pee Wee". She loved me like her own from the age of 9 until I was adult. She always had her door open. I was not baptised until I was 21, so I basically got to pick my godmother. We were similar. She was born October 10th and I am October 2nd. We had so many good times together. She supported me in anything I wanted to do.

My grandparents in North Carolina. Mama Val and Papa Collins. He was my step grandfather but you could never tell that. He taught me how to grow tomatoes. He took me fishing. He owned a candy store in the house, so I even was allowed to be cashier at the age of 13. I would go to North Carolina every summer, from the day after school closed until the weekend before school opened in NY again.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


What fuels my passion for the early childhood field? I like to help people. I like to communicate with people. I have a giving heart. I would like for our next generation to be smarter and classier. I find that their is a void in great educators. I witness teachers that are burnt out and uncaring. Educators should be compassionate and willing to educate any child to their highest degree. What encompasses passion for the early childhood education genre is fulfillment, motivation and commitment to the children. I have all of these qualities. I want to be able to instill a sense of self pride and motivation in our children. Pre-school education includes identity formation. Without a child receiving this type of positive reinforcement, children will have low self esteem, be vulnerable to gangs and dress and act inappropriately. I am motivated to change that status. Every child is special in their own way, it is up to the educators, parents and any other adults in their core circle to encourage and praise them.


Laureate Education, Inc., 2010

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Red Balloon

In 3rd gradeI had the honor of watching a movie about a child that touched me even to this day, and I am 52! The story that touched me was actually a movie. The Red Balloon was a silent movie made in France in 1956. The main character was a little boy who lived a quiet existence. He was approximately 6 years old. He finds a red balloon one day floating. The balloon becomes like a best friend to him. The balloon floats next to him as he walks down the street. The balloon waits for him outside of school while he is learning his lessons. The balloon is very loyal and only gives its attention to the little boy. Eventually some bullies are jealous that the little boy has this balloon all to himself. They throw stones and eventually "kill" the balloon by popping it. In that instance, I felt so much sorrow for the little boy and the relationship that he had with the balloon. Just as the tears start flowing, a hundred balloons gather and lift up the little boy so that he can get away from the bullies. Good triumphs over evil. The movie is only 34 minutes but it leaves a huge emotional impact. The lifting up of the boy gave me a feeling of solidarity and victory. This short film is the only short film to have ever won an Academy Award.


Lamorisse, A. (1956). The red balloon. France. Retrieved from

swinging in the park spring 2013