Saturday, November 9, 2013


Relationships are very important to me. I have many relationships: acquaintances, associates, co-workers, friends, daughters, grandmother, and girlfriend. Astrologically, I am a Libran. Libras like to be in partnerships. We work better that way. It's nice to have someone you can depend on in your corner. I also like balance. It takes two people to have balance. I am in a very nice relationship with my boyfriend. We share laughs, honesty and intimacy. I had my first daughter at the age of 20. We grew up together and are still very close. My best friend growing up was my mother. I was the youngest of 3 girls. I was spoiled rotten and I still am. When I lost my mom in 2005, life changed forever for me. Holidays are now just another day. The special feeling is gone. Mother's Day is especially depressing. I did decide this year to start celebrating her life each year on her birthday. On March 2nd, this year I bought a 2nd car and joined a gym. The other two loves of my life are my 6 year old grandson and my 12 year old daughter. I have many associates from work, Girl Scouts, my kids friend's parents etc. I can count true friends on two hands. My relationship with my boyfriend is positive because when we are together, we are in our own little isolated bubble. My relationship with my immediate family is constant, unconditional love. Love different from my mom's love but love still the same. Challenges to developing and maintaining relationships are both person's having the ability to communicate honestly. Also important is the ability to listen. Listening is an art. Many choose not too listen, but I have learned that listening is just as important as speaking. My eldest daughter and I have a partnership in keeping our children healthy, with a roof over their heads and well fed. My boyfriend and I have a partnership in the ability to share dreams and goals with each other. We also share intimacy that only involves the two of us. In the world of early childhood professionals, you have to be able to communicate, listen and reflect without any biases toward any children. I was very much involved in both daughter's education. Always at the school. Volunteering for trips. I always felt welcome. I would definitely think that it is essential for educators to succeed in making parents feel welcome in the school environment. As long as educators are open to doing the best educating for all of the children they may come across daily, the work that they do with each child.ld should be effective.


  1. I agree with you about communication. It is an important part of any relationship. I also think that listening is a key part too.

    I lost my dad 12 years ago and feel the same about holidays. I have decided this year with my son that we will start making new traditions and celebrating.

  2. Karen, surrounding yourself with people who will listen to you and be there for you is important. You are fortunate to have a close, positive relationships with your family which should make you feel safe and supported. Relationships like this builds resources for times of stress and adversity. Communication is so very important as it is critical that you put yourself in the other persons shoes and try to separate emotions from reality. Trust also makes relationships strong. Your pictures are priceless.


  3. I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I also have very important relationships in my life. My parents and siblings are the most important relationships in my life. It sounds like you have some very positive relationships. I see that you also have associates that are in your list. I failed to name them, I forgot that they are also a part of my life. Do you feel that the relationships you have with others has helped you go further in life? I feel that they will help you accomplish any goals that you set out to accomplish .

  4. Karen,

    I think you hit on a very important part of a good relationship and that is listening! You mention some great relationships. I have found it interesting to read peers reflections on their relationships. Although I know and understand just how important relationships are I have discovered that hearing how individuals describe their relationships, being able to see it from another lens gives an added level of meaning and depth.
    Jennifer Pore`
