Sunday, August 18, 2013

Codes of Ethics

We shall be responsible for maintaining the appropriate clicense and credentials requirements needed for the services we provide while maintaining our competence in practice and research by ongoing participation in professional development and education activities. (DEC). This statement is important to me because in order for us to do our very best, we must be up to date on the current trends and practices that are being utilized. Our best effort will give the children the best outcome. We shall demonstrate respect for all families' beliefs, values, customs, languages, and cultures. (DEC). In this multicultural world, we have to respect each child regardless of race, creed or color. A child will feel any sort of dislike against them, which in turn will stunt their learning. In order to get respect, we have to give respect. It is important to develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve. (NAEYC). Trust is similar to respect, in that both of these qualities in relationships will benefit all involved: the educator, the child and the family.

1 comment:

  1. Karen, I have enjoyed sharing discussions with you in this course. You had much to teach us because of your experience with inner city children and your work in the healthcare field. I really learned from your knowledge of health and safety due to your nursing background. All four of my children are headed to the field of medicine (amazing, since my husband and I are both in education) and I deeply admire this way of serving—it is important and challenging work. I congratulate you on your decision to explore a new career and in your interest in counseling children. I believe the knowledge you will bring to the field will be a great asset for your students and colleagues. -Susan
