Saturday, July 5, 2014


Upon reading about the blog assignment this week. The first person who cam to mind was Mrs. Michelle Obama, the wife of the President of the United States. She speaks with such ease to crowds each time I hear her speak. Whenever Mrs. Obama speaks, she has my full attention. She has the ability to engage her audience completely. I googled her speech techniques and ran across an article "Michelle Obama's Speech: Poise, Passion, Presence". Those are all the features that I witness. She is poised, has clarity, no signs of anxiety, has passion in her eyes and in her tone of voice. She is also very present. She is concentrating on the audience she is trying to reach. All these factors make her communication style admirable to me. The warm smile and eye contact express her interest in the audience. Ye I would want to model my own communication behaviors after her. I tend to get nervous when speaking in front of large crowds. My voice starts cracking and then it gets low to a whisper. At least that was the experience 20 years ago in an Oral Communication course. I wish I showed some of the same poise that she does............. DiResta, Diane. (2012,Sep5). Michelle Obama's Speech: poise, passion, presence. Knockout Blog. DiResta Communications, Inc. Retrieved from


  1. Karen I love hearing Michelle Obama speak. I thing she speaks very clear, and smiles when speaking. I never see any negative facial expressions and body language. I was going to write about Michelle but instead I wrote about my best friend who is also a great communicator. Nice Post !

  2. Karen,
    Michelle Obama is a perfect example of what a competent communicator should be. As an African American Woman, it makes me proud to be able to look up to her and have her as a role model. Thanks for reminding me of the inspiration that we have in the 21 century as far as a strong, respectful, and intelligent leader!
