Sunday, July 27, 2014


This weeks assignment allowed us to take self-tests on our communication styles, techniques and listening skills. Secondly, we were to ask two friends/acquaintances/relatives that are close to us to take the same tests also. After tallying the results, we were to compare the results for any differences or similarities. I was most surprised that my anxiety level was visible to others prior to speaking in front of others. I researched our textbook to find that in some cases rather than anxiety, I have communication apprehension. Communication apprehension is described as "when an individual feels uncomfortable participating in a group conversation" (O'Hair & Wiemann). I do feel comfortable if I am sitting in a group talking but if I have to step to a podium in front of a crowd of people then anxiety sets in. One insight that I gained insight to is communication processing. This is one aspect of communication where I am sure there is a glitch in some people's minds. On my job, instructions have to be given daily to adults. Many understand but many need the information to be repeated more than once. These instructions are simple. I believe some people may have problems with their communication processing by being distracted by the thought of having to be undressed in front of others which blocks their processing. Another insight was the interaction appearance theory. I have learned that you can't judge a book by it's cover. Appearances have nothing to do with the job a person might have. It is not until you begin to interact with someone that you learn all about them.

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