Sunday, July 27, 2014


This weeks assignment allowed us to take self-tests on our communication styles, techniques and listening skills. Secondly, we were to ask two friends/acquaintances/relatives that are close to us to take the same tests also. After tallying the results, we were to compare the results for any differences or similarities. I was most surprised that my anxiety level was visible to others prior to speaking in front of others. I researched our textbook to find that in some cases rather than anxiety, I have communication apprehension. Communication apprehension is described as "when an individual feels uncomfortable participating in a group conversation" (O'Hair & Wiemann). I do feel comfortable if I am sitting in a group talking but if I have to step to a podium in front of a crowd of people then anxiety sets in. One insight that I gained insight to is communication processing. This is one aspect of communication where I am sure there is a glitch in some people's minds. On my job, instructions have to be given daily to adults. Many understand but many need the information to be repeated more than once. These instructions are simple. I believe some people may have problems with their communication processing by being distracted by the thought of having to be undressed in front of others which blocks their processing. Another insight was the interaction appearance theory. I have learned that you can't judge a book by it's cover. Appearances have nothing to do with the job a person might have. It is not until you begin to interact with someone that you learn all about them.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


I communicate with many people of my many walks of life. With my nurse friends we have our own jargon others would not understand. With close friends, I tend to use low language with slang words which we both can understand. Examples are "word", which means the truth and "school" which means to teach a lesson to someone. I am able to be informal with them. I have friends that are Filipino, Asian, Hispanic, Italian, East Indian etc. Close friends and occupational friends are the closest people to me and we understand each other because of our similarities communication is understood fully. Perhaps being more of an active listener will benefit me sometimes because I tend to speak more than listen. This would make me a better communicator with them. Supervisors at work who are sergeants, lieutenants, and captains. I use standard English with proper grammar with them. I can call it politically correct language. I have a tendency to speak low. One strategy is to speak louder, capture my audience and interact fully with them. I sometimes have to speak to Non Native English speakers. I use simpler words, which are easier to understand. I also use accommodation by changing my style of communication to adapt to them. For example when I worked in the Pediatrics ER, I would say "amarillo libro" which means yellow book for immunization book. Eventually I would say "tarjeta vacuna" which means yellow card and the parent would understand fully. One strategy I can use for Non Native English is to look out for non verbal cues if there is an interruption in communication. It helps to be aware of non verbal cues as well as verbal cues.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


I decided to watch an episode of L.A. Hair. This show revolves around a hair salon for celebrities in Los Angeles. There are 8 main characters who all work for the salon. There are different ethnicities and genders. Everyday a different group of clients come in to get services. The communication I observed was smiles, eyebrows raised, touching, rolling of the eyes, grimacing and direct eye contact. I could see which personnel got along with the other personnel.
I could tell from facial expressions if the conversation was pleasant or not. One client was verbally insulted and the look of anger on her face was clearly understood. When I heard the conversation, I could clearly understand why she was grimacing. The hairdresser spoke negatively about her dandruff. I believe my assumptions would have been correct if I were a regular viewer of this show. I find that even in relationships that actions speak louder than words. By just observing you can see that a person is happy, sad, angry, tired, grouchy etc. I am very intuitive when it comes to observation I think in part to learning nursing assessment, so I see and notice everything that others don't see. It annoys some people, but to me I think it is a perk........Reference Season 3 Episode 1: Chair Battle Royale

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Upon reading about the blog assignment this week. The first person who cam to mind was Mrs. Michelle Obama, the wife of the President of the United States. She speaks with such ease to crowds each time I hear her speak. Whenever Mrs. Obama speaks, she has my full attention. She has the ability to engage her audience completely. I googled her speech techniques and ran across an article "Michelle Obama's Speech: Poise, Passion, Presence". Those are all the features that I witness. She is poised, has clarity, no signs of anxiety, has passion in her eyes and in her tone of voice. She is also very present. She is concentrating on the audience she is trying to reach. All these factors make her communication style admirable to me. The warm smile and eye contact express her interest in the audience. Ye I would want to model my own communication behaviors after her. I tend to get nervous when speaking in front of large crowds. My voice starts cracking and then it gets low to a whisper. At least that was the experience 20 years ago in an Oral Communication course. I wish I showed some of the same poise that she does............. DiResta, Diane. (2012,Sep5). Michelle Obama's Speech: poise, passion, presence. Knockout Blog. DiResta Communications, Inc. Retrieved from