Sunday, January 26, 2014


Well unfortunately, I haven't heard from any of the contact I sent messages to in Week 1. I have begun a search again. I found a website for The World Organization For Early Education ( This organization was created in 1946, after WWII. A small group of educators and others came together with concern for the welfare of young children. OMEP promotes the well being rights and education of young children. While I was there I saw a story of a Kenyan educator that started her own school on a farm and is getting the children involved in purifying their drinking water. I emailed her and I also emailed the writer of the OMEP newsletter that was from Sweden. Hopefully I hear back from one of them. I also went to and started a blog requesting correspondents from around the world. This website has educators from all over the world. I hope to hear from someone there also. Wish me luck.

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