Saturday, June 21, 2014


Denmark is the name of my family's country of origin. In Denmark schools strive to provide children with academic skills, general competencies and opportunities for diverse, personal development. They also facilitate an atmosphere of equality and freedom of spirit. The world famous Lego building toys are from Denmark. If the classroom doesn't have any, I would invest in some for the classroom so that the child will have something familiar to play with. In Denmark children spend 3-4 hours per day outside tending to forests, gardens and playing. I would allow outdoor time to plant gardens. Denmark also also encourages the children to choose with what to play and with whom to play with. I would allow the children in class to have free time to do what they want for a little while. This will enforce there abilities to make choices. Denmark believes in Vygotskys's theory that social interaction fosters cognitive functions. Parents will be invited to the classroom and have one on one meetings with the educators to discuss the curriculum. Early childhood educators in Denmark value parent-child-educator interactions. I will continue to instill the importance of this vital communication. In keeping up with Denmark norms hopefully the transition to American education will be a smooth one for the child and the family...........References:


  1. Karen,
    Thank you for the information that you share about Denmark. I thought it was so interesting that Denmark is responsible for making the Lego toys. I just went out and brought the LEGO movie for my son! We loved the movie! I don't understand how some people don't value people from different countries. The United States gets most of their products and even rich culture and history from other countries!

  2. Karen,
    That is great information regarding child life and education in Denmark. I enjoyed the way you chose to include the children in your centers classroom by including activities that are common in their native country of Denmark. I did not know they Denmark is responsible for Legos. Making sure that your classrooms are equipment with this material is a great way to make the student feel comfortable. Also, since the parents are used to solid parent teacher communication in the schools, making sure that your teachers hold up to the same standards is great. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Karen I enjoyed your post and the history about the Legos. I like the idea about the garden. Children are able to connect to real life experiences. I love nature gardens because children are able to explore and learn.
