Saturday, July 27, 2013

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

“Individual character involves honoring and embracing certain core ethical values; honesty, respect, responsibility… Parents must teach their children from the earliest age the difference between right and wrong. But we must all do our part.”- Bill Clinton, September, 2012

"The sphere of education workers have a unique opportunity to shape a child's life for the better"- Sandy Escobido

"At a certain time in your life you should want to make a difference in others lives and give back any knowledge you can share to the future generation"- Louise Derman Sparks

“Curriculum is not delivered. Milk is delivered.” - Dr Lilian Katz

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Personal Childhood Web

My mother hated summer. She sweated alot. The heatwave we are experiencing right now in NYC would've made  her miserable. She would have to take 3 showers a day just to stay cool. I have so many memories of her with sweat dripping off her brow.

My mothers's favorite Bible quote, "and this too shall pass".  I think about this quote anytime I am going through a rough time in life. It actually allows me to relax.

Personal Childhood Web

My parents on their wedding day. My dad was shipped out to the Korean War the next day. The marriage lasted 32 years. Their love was unspoken. He returned from the war a different man, images of the war haunted him. He was a great provider, and so was she. She entered the job field when I was 6 years old, just to have extra money in her pocket and to contribute to the family. My dad paid all the bills. I remember him paying all his charge card bills at the dining room table, one by one. There were so many. He was also a great disciplinarian, which is why he did such a good job as a Corrections Captain. We didn't see him much due to his work schedule but he did provide us with shelter, food and clothing.  My mom was sweet as candy, always smiling, a great mom. I was her favorite. I was the youngest and was spoiled rotten. Still am!

My godmother "Pee Wee". She loved me like her own from the age of 9 until I was adult. She always had her door open. I was not baptised until I was 21, so I basically got to pick my godmother. We were similar. She was born October 10th and I am October 2nd. We had so many good times together. She supported me in anything I wanted to do.

My grandparents in North Carolina. Mama Val and Papa Collins. He was my step grandfather but you could never tell that. He taught me how to grow tomatoes. He took me fishing. He owned a candy store in the house, so I even was allowed to be cashier at the age of 13. I would go to North Carolina every summer, from the day after school closed until the weekend before school opened in NY again.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


What fuels my passion for the early childhood field? I like to help people. I like to communicate with people. I have a giving heart. I would like for our next generation to be smarter and classier. I find that their is a void in great educators. I witness teachers that are burnt out and uncaring. Educators should be compassionate and willing to educate any child to their highest degree. What encompasses passion for the early childhood education genre is fulfillment, motivation and commitment to the children. I have all of these qualities. I want to be able to instill a sense of self pride and motivation in our children. Pre-school education includes identity formation. Without a child receiving this type of positive reinforcement, children will have low self esteem, be vulnerable to gangs and dress and act inappropriately. I am motivated to change that status. Every child is special in their own way, it is up to the educators, parents and any other adults in their core circle to encourage and praise them.


Laureate Education, Inc., 2010

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Red Balloon

In 3rd gradeI had the honor of watching a movie about a child that touched me even to this day, and I am 52! The story that touched me was actually a movie. The Red Balloon was a silent movie made in France in 1956. The main character was a little boy who lived a quiet existence. He was approximately 6 years old. He finds a red balloon one day floating. The balloon becomes like a best friend to him. The balloon floats next to him as he walks down the street. The balloon waits for him outside of school while he is learning his lessons. The balloon is very loyal and only gives its attention to the little boy. Eventually some bullies are jealous that the little boy has this balloon all to himself. They throw stones and eventually "kill" the balloon by popping it. In that instance, I felt so much sorrow for the little boy and the relationship that he had with the balloon. Just as the tears start flowing, a hundred balloons gather and lift up the little boy so that he can get away from the bullies. Good triumphs over evil. The movie is only 34 minutes but it leaves a huge emotional impact. The lifting up of the boy gave me a feeling of solidarity and victory. This short film is the only short film to have ever won an Academy Award.


Lamorisse, A. (1956). The red balloon. France. Retrieved from

swinging in the park spring 2013