Sunday, April 26, 2015


To My Colleagues and Professor Darragh, I can't believe how time has passed. I remember getting my Bachelors in Health Sciences from Walden University in January 2013. It took approximately 3 months before I was bored and said to myself that I should go back to school for my Masters Degree. I was excited but as soon as those assignments started to roll in I wanted to strangle myself. Needless to say I persevered and completed my Masters. I am so proud of myself. I am a mother, grandmother, friend, aunt, sister, nurse, spouse, and a student. There were so many titles that I had to juggle that I was getting weary. But as time went by...the light at the end of the tunnel was getting brighter and brighter, which gave me the motivation to continue.
I have learned that there are so many organizations from which to choose to work with doing child advocacy work. Organizations such as NAEYC, Zero to Three and the Children's Defense Fund are just a few organizations I have researched. I have also learned that while the first early childhood program was initiated years ago to this day, education is evolving and ever changing sometimes for the benefit of children and sometimes not. I have also learned that even though disparities still exist in America, there are enough organizations on board to make the changes needed to close the education gap. Organizations such as the National Association for Child Development and The Center for Education Innovation are just two of those organizations. After researching for this course, the future for our children looks brighter just by knowing that so many people are making children a priority.
A long term goal of mine is to open my Karens Kidcare Learning Center, I want to expose children to the arts, music, etiquette, manners, cooking, math, reading and dance. I just have to focus on what next steps I have to take to get proper licensing. I have been motivated by all of my classmates who are already in the field and enjoy what they're doing.
To Professor Darragh and colleagues, I wish everyone well in all of their endeavors. I know we have had great experiences and educational insights while attending Walden University. Thanks for all your praise and encouragement. I hope at one time or another I have said a kind word to encourage you. As we embark in our new roles may we have honesty, integrity, empathy and passion in all we do. Take care and I hope to see some of you at graduation. I will probably do January and make a Disney trip of it also. Farewell to you.
Sincerely, Karen Mauney

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


UNESCO- United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, the mission is to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. One of UNESCO's priorities is to attain quality for all and lifelong learning. I am an advocate for quality education for all. I also believe that educators can instill the gift of lifetime learning in young children if given the adequate resources.One job I saw that interested me was an Administrator job which needed the qualifications of an advanced degree and fluency in English or French working with youth. ISSA is the International Step by Step Association ISSA's goals are to ensure equal access to quality care and education for all children from birth until 10 years. One priority of ISSA is to advocate for inclusive early childhood systems and critical issues related to access, equity and quality. I am all for equitable education for all children. I feel all children are entitled to receive quality education regardless of race or economic status. Unfortunately, there were no job postings at this site that I saw. FHI360- is the Science of Improving lives. It is a non-profit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven standards.The key to improving lives is in generating, sharing and applying knowledge. To improve a person's life, I believe you have to receive a quality education. There was one job in particular that piqued my interest: Student and Family Engagement (SAFE) Officer Department of School and Community Services dedicated to supporting pressing education needs and challenges of children from early childhood to adulthood. Programs foster partnerships, build capacity to improve teaching and learning and to increase family involvement. Qualifications for this job are Bachelors Degree, awareness of culturally competent practices, experience in a school or youth development environment, ability to work alone an with teams, you must be a self starter, fluency in English and highly effective written and oral skills. I actually applied to this job.