Sunday, September 29, 2013

Environmental Air Pollution Stress on Children's Development

As a person that lives and grew up in New York City, I have been breathing unhealthy air all of my life. I presently live next to a major highway and next to a major airport, JFK. I have survived any illness related to respiratory diseases so far but I don't know what the future will bring. Many of the elders on my block died of cancer and the air pollution may have veen a contributing factor.Many countries are struggling with air pollution. East Asia tops the list claiming more than one million deaths from fine particulate matter. The air pollution has a direct impact on childhood asthma here in New York and in Asia. The smog can be so bad that children in Asia miss school. Birth defects and bronchitis can also occur. (Greenpeace,2013). One solution being used in NYC and Asia is the use of hybrid buses and city vehicles to reduce emissions. NYC is rated 16th among the top 25 American cities who experience air pollution. Another solution being provided in NYC is the planting of trees. MillionTrees NYC is an environmental program that reforests city streets, parks and homes. I participate in planting tree events every year with my kids. We have planted in areas that were burnt down previously or neglected. Trees reduce the amount of pollutants in the city air. More thatn 2 million people globally lose their lives each year due to reduced air quality.(Quigley, 2013). Besides the issue of respiratory diseases, children's cognitive health can also be affected because of air pollution. Researchers have done studies and proven that children exposed to high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH's) can significantly have lower scores on standardized tests. These lower cores can lead to increased stress in school.(Columbia University, 2013). Global solutions include using non toxic cleaning products, driving hybrid or battery operated cars, unplugging appliances when not in use and the increase of planting trees and houseplants. References Columbia University.(2013). Children's cognitive ability can be affected by mothers exposure to urban air pollutants. Retrieved from Greenpeace. (2013). The problems of air pollution. Retrieved from MillionTrees. (2013). About Million Trees NYC. Retrieved from Quigley, J.T. (2013,Jul18). Killer smog:East Asia, India, Southeast Asia top global air pollution. The Diplomat. Retrieved from

Friday, September 13, 2013


This topic is important to me because I was an overweight child. Here in America, we eat like gluttons. Large meals three times a day, whereas in other countries, children barely have anything to eat. Childhood obesity is a very hot topic right now in the United States. Our First Lady Michelle Obama is a staunch supporter of healthy diets. In a study done in 2008, "African American children are more than 50%likely to be overweight compared to white children". (Flock, 2013). For a child to be able to grow and learn, a healthy diet must be given. Proteins, nuts, grains, fruits and vegetables should be eaten daily.(Medline, 2013). Limitations of fast food, junk food, sodas, processed foods, fried foods and high fructose syrup should be avoided. In South African, 75% of South Africans have inadequate means of buying food. More than 1 in 5 children are physically stunted due to malnutrition. In a study done by Save The Children, chronically malnourished children are 20% less literate than others. (Food4Africa, 2013). Malnutrition is responsible for over 250,000 deaths per year in children younger than 5 years in developing countries. (Shahshidhar, 2013). Preventative measures to protect children agains malnutrition should begin by making sure the pregnant mother is given prenatal care and prenatal nutrition. References Flock, E. (2013, August5). Michelle Obama's newest initiative: using hip-hop to fight obesity. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved from Food4Africa. (2013). 7 facts of malnutrition and starvation. South Africa. Retrieved from Shahshidhar, H. (2013, Feb11). Malnutrition. Medscape. Retrieved from U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2013). Child nutrition. Medlineplus. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Personal Birthing Experience

My personal birthing experience begins with the fact that after 21 years of motherhood, I was pregnant again at age 40! I call it a cross of temporary insanity and mid life crisis. My pregnancy included having a hospitalization in my 5th month due to pneumonia, low amniotic fluid hospital admission at 8 months and the year 2001 had the hottest summer ever. My due date was 9/5/01. On August 9th of that year it was 103 degrees, I thought I was going to die. I couldn't breathe and on one of those last frequent doctor's appointments, I told him it was time for her to come out. Heexamined me and did a little trick and the next day I delivered her on 8/19. The nicest part of delivery was that as soon as the nurses found out I was a nurse I was put into a suite which was huge and beautifully decorated. When my daughter arrived she had the biggest eyes, looking all around the room. Usually babies eyes are closed or squinting from the light but she was alert and looking from the first second. She's 12 now and doesn't miss anything with her eyes. I advised her to get a job from the CIA or FBI. Did you know that your eyeballs are the same size from birth until death? The country I researched was Brazil. In that country's birthing process traditions include the expectant mother preparing a basket with souvenirs to give out to each person that comes to the hospital to visit with a note of thanks. It is sort of like party favors given out at American baby showers. Brazilian women also get there hair and make-up done professionally before giving birth. Women there also get a Brazilian wax prior to birth. The majority of women in America don't really get all gussied up prior to delivery. We seem to concentrate on the pain too much to look pretty. In America, visitors that come to the hospital, usually arrive bearing baby gifts. References